20-22 Nosler (22 No-Z-ler)
$8.00 – $52.00Neck: .235″ | Freebore: .037″ | Lead Angle: 1º 20′ | Pilot: Floating
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Neck: .235″ | Freebore: .037″ | Lead Angle: 1º 20′ | Pilot: Floating
22 Center-fire throater allow for precise adjustments to the reamer so you can ream to any desired throat depth. The straight portion of the cutter passes through a sliding bushing with a tapered shoulder at the front end. The bushing is precisely honed so that the cutter can rotate or move axially with ease, but…
These Gauges permit the checking of a barrel extension and barrel headspace without the need for a BCG or even a bolt. This set for AR-10 chambered in 6.5mm, 6mm, or 22 Creedmoor. As headspace for all three is identical.
Includes the 18 degree forcing cone cutter, rod, t-handle and bushing where needed. Add a chamfer plug gauge if you so desire. If you want a 90 degree cutter add that as a separate item here and indicate the diameter you need.
Includes the 22 degree forcing cone cutter, rod, t-handle and bushing where needed. This cutter was made by PTG and fits our kits. They are marked 11 degree, but they are twice as steep as the Brownells 11 degree cutter. Results would likely be best with jacketed bullets. Add an 11 to 18 degree chamfer…
Includes the 11 degree forcing cone cutter, rod, t-handle. Add a chamfer plug gauge if you so desire. If you want a 90 degree cutter add that as a separate item here and indicate the diameter you need.
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