
Showing all 2 results

  • Booklet about Ackley Headspace

    Chambering for Ackley Cartridge (booklet)


    This booklet is the first of many planned works that provide instruction in the correct and safe methods of gunsmithing. Specifically, this essay discusses Ackley Improved cartridges.  In it, we will not teach you how to install and chamber a barrel, we handle that information in another title, “Chambering Rifle Barrels for Accuracy”.  In this…

  • Gunsmith Tools, Cutters & Gauges – A Primer


    Shipping Now! We spoke with leaders in the tool making industry about the things they spend most of their time and effort educating clients about.  Contributions from Clymer, Forster, Manson, JGS, PTG, SAAMI and more are all included.  There are books for machinists that teach this type of information, but until now there has never…